Saturday 7 January 2017

Happy Weekend - the passive voice

There is nothing passive about learning the passive voice in English grammar

This week we have been studying "passives" here is a video explaining more about this tense.

1. You might like to check the worksheets and vocabulary at the bottom of the page.

2.  Here is a very useful link to listen to short texts and read at the same time.

Sunday 1 January 2017

Happy New Year

Isn’t it amazing another year has passed?
And so the earth goes round and round, about to orbit once more.
Honour the past year by celebrating your joys, mourning your losses, and shaking your head at the wonder of it all. 

 Would you like some popcorn?

Or perhaps a glass of champagne?

Whether you’re headed to a party or headed to the living room with a bowl of popcorn, New Year’s Day is a great day for reflection. A whole year has passed since the last one. You’re a year older. Are you a year wiser?
Reflect, review and contemplate on these past 12 months.

Ask yourself these simple questions:

What have you achieved this past year?

What changes would you make for 2017?

Do you have any Dreams? Hopes? Goals so big they make you laugh? 

Why not write them down and check up on their progress during the year.

Everyone in my English Conversation groups have made progress this year, let's aim to continue and by December next year maybe produce another excellent play to perform before an audience in English.

Happy New Year to everyone and enjoy your New Year celebrations!