Saturday 21 March 2020

Hello everyone,
This is a good way to keep in touch through this blog. 
I sent this out last week and received a couple of texts but not from everybody.   If you have not done it could you send it in to me.     Describe the emotion you feel from this lady, what she is wearing and what you think about her.   Do you see yourself like her.

Also I sent you an audio and text to read on about the subject of memory.
I hope to be able to send you a dictation video on this but cannot seem to get it online. 
I shall keep trying.

I keep busy by cleaning the house (much needed), walking at 8am with Daisy and reading and sorting out papers.      
Exercise:   Send me a short summary of what you are doing with your time.   I shall post them on this blog.

Story from Marieline

I'm Suzana,an aged woman but no old in my head
I came to tell you about my secret of my beautiful aging
I love life and I love to wear with red clothes
The red color has always been my fetish color
Why?Because it's a color of love!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a great heart and there was always a great place for love in my life
Love is joy and well-being
I love giving love ,but  I love also to receive it
and then there are many loves
Love for my lover(husband) ,for my children ,for my parents and for all my family

There are the eternal loves  but there are also the passing loves and also the loves of youth
which are so beautiful but so sad
So I will continue to dress in red
This marvelous color of love,joy and strength
                   NEVER FORGET THIS WORD
And with your fingers everyday you can draw a heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!