Thursday 30 March 2017

Test for punctuation


These are some common punctuation marks used in English:
. is a period or full stop
, is a comma
? is a question mark or query
! is an exclamation mark
' is an apostrophe
" is a quotation mark
: is a colon
; is a semicolon

Please re-write the text putting in the necessary punctuation.

morris the martian was flying around the solar system one day when he saw a strange light in front of him
what is that he thought to himself morris was scared but he flew a bit closer so that he could see better
hello he called out but there was no reply hello is anyone there he called again there was no reply suddenly a creature appeared in front of the light boo it shouted morris was really scared and he flew off home and hid under his bed


Sunday 26 March 2017

Daffodils symbolize friendship

The first flowers of the season are out and here is a little information about them.
Daffodils, the flowers symbolizing friendship, are some of the most popular flowers exclusively due to their unmatched beauty.

Daffodils belong to the genus Narcissus. Daffodil flowers have a trumpet-shaped structure set against a star-shaped background.
Daffodils are constantly recurring flowers with at least 50 species and many hybrids. Where climate is moderate, Daffodils flourish among the first spring buds. Daffodils often bloom in clusters.
Daffodils are native mainly to the Mediterranean region, in particular to the Iberian Peninsula, as well as Northern Africa and the Middle East.

All Daffodils have a corona in the center that looks like a trumpet and a ring of petals all around.
The natural Daffodil is colored golden yellow all over while the trumpet may often appear in a contrasting color.

Difference between Daffodils and Narcissus There is literally no difference between the Daffodils and Narcissus. The two words are synonymous. Narcissus is the Latin or botanical name for those commonly called daffodils and Daffodil is the common name for all members of the genus Narcissus.

Steps to growing Daffodils.

  • Choose a well-drained, sunny place, with a slightly acidic soil.
  • Plant your Daffodils so that their top (pointed end) is at least two times as deep as the bulb is high (top of a 2" bulb is 4" deep).
  • Plant bulbs deeper in sandy soil than in clay.
  • High-nitrogen fertilizers should be avoided.
  • Daffodils need lots of water while they are growing.
  • After blooming, never cut the foliage until it begins to turn yellow (usually late May or June).
  • This is then the time to dig them. Wash the bulbs thoroughly and let them dry completely (at least a week).
  • Put them in onion sacks (or panty hose) and hang them in the coolest place you can find until they're ready to plant. Good air circulation will keep the storage rot at a minimum.