Saturday 13 May 2017

The Little Prince Chapters 6 and 7

Here are some questions to answer concerning Chapters 6 and 7.

Chapter 6
1. What does the little prince love to watch?

2. How many times in one day does the sun set on
the little prince’s planet?

3. What does the little prince do so that he can see the maximum number of sunsets on his

4. Why does the little prince think he can watch a
sunset anytime?

5. What is the little prince feeling much of the time?

6. According to the author, what time is it in the
United States when the sun is setting over

Chapter 7
1. In the desert, what is the pilot’s primary worry?

2. What is the pilot working on that he thinks will
help him get out of the desert?

3. Why does the little prince become enraged at the
pilot in Chapter 7?

4. What does the little prince call the red-faced gentleman who is the businessman?

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