Sunday 19 April 2020

Your occupation during the confinement


Occupation during  confinement

From Tuesday the 17 th of March, date of our confinement, I do approximately the same things I did before : putting things in order and cleaning my house but I do it more thoroughly .   Nevertheless, I have added sewing : I made a big bag for my camera and its accessories,  from left overs  (Fabric, buttons, zippers and so on) and as I have more time, I spend more time on practicing my English. I don’t want to forget what I already learned and if possible I’d like to improve. I enjoy my garden too. Fortunately we are in spring and the weather is fine. Finally it's relaxing.
Hello Jackie and Hello every one

Since monday march 16 I haven't driven. I had anticipated for food for one month for this confinement. I followed Marie-Line's advice, I bought frozen vegetables for example :mushroom, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower.It's very pratical.
We are lucky to live in countryside, in a large house and large garden.
The morning is cleaning, laudry, ironing, cooking ,learning english sometimes, as usual
The afternoon is gardening ( aië the ache back!!), do-it-yourself ( I wonder if I paint my wooden chairs in gray?)
I walk between 5 and 6 p.m.
Tomorrow at 10 a.m I'm doing a gymnastic lesson with Sophie Duplus ( Atelier ici danse) on vidéo
The hardest thing is not to take my twins in my arms and to kiss them, but I see them with a distance of 2 meter.

Think of all these people who serve the French, doctors, nurses, nursing assistants,supermarket staff, truck drivers, farmers and so on.

Confinement is the only drug and it will last If the French aren't seriousl
Policians have waited too long....!

Please, Jackie, can you correct my mistakes

write soon! I wanted to write on your blog

be careful on diet!!!!


Story from Marieline

I'm Suzana,an aged woman but no old in my head
I came to tell you about my secret of my beautiful aging
I love life and I love to wear with red clothes
The red color has always been my fetish color
Why?Because it's a color of love!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a great heart and there was always a great place for love in my life
Love is joy and well-being
I love giving love ,but  I love also to receive it
and then there are many loves
Love for my lover(husband) ,for my children ,for my parents and for all my family

There are the eternal loves  but there are also the passing loves and also the loves of youth
which are so beautiful but so sad
So I will continue to dress in red
This marvelous color of love,joy and strength
                   NEVER FORGET THIS WORD
And with your fingers everyday you can draw a heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday 17 April 2020

A story using five words

Catherine's post:

I wake up , it's early in the morning . I hear nothing, only bird's songs. There are no cars on the street , nobody walks on the road,
I only hear the silence. I try to listen my neighbour's footsteps but I don't hear anything. It's a very strange mood (atmosphere)  What has happened?
I - feel that maybe I suffer from amnesia
I prepare my breakfast and I'm cooking my eggs while I'm watching the TV . The speaker says suddenly
"Stay at home. Don't go outside, a dangerous virus could probably infect you".
I'm stunned !!! time has stopped, I'm afraid , I feel alone and to put my mind at rest I make my way toward my window .
on the other side of the road, in front of me I see a beautiful girl with a blue dress.
I have never see her and I realize that I have never taken care of  others. People lived around me but I didn't see them .
I'm a traider in Wall Street and my only preoccupation was the figures and the current price of petrol . 
This little girl is an angel … What's does it mean ?
Today I know that my way of life will  be changed … Working to live but not living to work . Humans are more important than figures
I remember now … when I was young  my mother read to me the beautiful book "The Little Prince"  in which  St Exupéry explained the sense of life .

Bernadette's story

Write a story with 5 words : dress, blue, petrol, amnesia, cooking.

Barbara, a 10 years child never had the occasion to know her grand-mother Amy.
Nevertheless, her mum Jane told Barbara stories about her grand-mother. She was a pretty woman who loved her family mainly her only grand-daughter she found so sweet. When she was born, she had made a beautiful dress for her baptism.
She also liked cooking for Jane because she knew she was rather greedy. She always said : when Barbara will be older I‘ll made cookies for her too. But she left to find the angels in paradise too early.
Jane used to glance through the family albums to show Barbara what Amy looked like. On one of the photos, we could see both Grand-Mother, Mother and Grand-Daughter. Next to them there was a small petrol blue car Amy bought for Jane’s birthday. You can imagine her great heart. It was very touching, so I think it isn’t possible to have amnesia when we have such a nice person like this grand-mother.

Marieline's story

·    Création d’une liste

1.     This morning I woke up numb
Everything looks strange
My cupboards are impeccable
All my sweaters are arranged by color and by season
All my dresses are arranged on colorful hangers. My trousers also
Above each sock has regained its sister-   It’s amazing
The garden is beautiful it has woken  up too.
In my kitchen everything smells good.  So I'm cooking cakes and pies for my children who I miss so much.
I'm listening to the news and suddenly I'm discovering about the pétrol that the price has dropped
Why ? What is going on now ?
So,  no, I don't wake up,I come out of a long confinement, like I had an  amnesia
So now we must sing and I hum  
            The blue words

Saturday 21 March 2020

Hello everyone,
This is a good way to keep in touch through this blog. 
I sent this out last week and received a couple of texts but not from everybody.   If you have not done it could you send it in to me.     Describe the emotion you feel from this lady, what she is wearing and what you think about her.   Do you see yourself like her.

Also I sent you an audio and text to read on about the subject of memory.
I hope to be able to send you a dictation video on this but cannot seem to get it online. 
I shall keep trying.

I keep busy by cleaning the house (much needed), walking at 8am with Daisy and reading and sorting out papers.      
Exercise:   Send me a short summary of what you are doing with your time.   I shall post them on this blog.

Story from Marieline

I'm Suzana,an aged woman but no old in my head
I came to tell you about my secret of my beautiful aging
I love life and I love to wear with red clothes
The red color has always been my fetish color
Why?Because it's a color of love!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a great heart and there was always a great place for love in my life
Love is joy and well-being
I love giving love ,but  I love also to receive it
and then there are many loves
Love for my lover(husband) ,for my children ,for my parents and for all my family

There are the eternal loves  but there are also the passing loves and also the loves of youth
which are so beautiful but so sad
So I will continue to dress in red
This marvelous color of love,joy and strength
                   NEVER FORGET THIS WORD
And with your fingers everyday you can draw a heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!