Wednesday 21 December 2016

Two Christmas Plays December 2016

The Salle Lucien Marcon in Viserny is starting to fill up.     All 60 chairs were taken.

Marie Reine announces the Tuesday group play.

Daisy in her hair Saloon. 
Their Saturday afternoon customer has arrived. Elisabeth.
Pamela Daisy's assistant helps to prepare the "Trendy" new hair colour.
Oh my God !!  My hair is green.
Oh but I assure you client Elisabeth it is very nice, super trendy.   You look great.
Oh dear the cliet's hair has turned green and she has  a special date tonight with her boyfriend.
Excuse me Father, have you been drinking?
No I assure you it is only water ..... but then sniff sniff ...thank you Lord I see you have done it again turned the water into white wine.   Thank you.
This little polar bear is cold.
The angels hope it is going to rain so they can sit down on a cloud.

Christine's mathematical game - even Jean Marie couldn't figure out how she had done it.

Lady Sarah and Lady Lulu with Gertrude showing in the guests.
So nice to have you both for the weekend Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
Soup with carrots and ginger ...Quails and Plum pudding.  Mathilda is serving the soup.
Have I seen these two women before somewhere?
What a nice necklace you have Lady Lulu.
Lady Annabel tries to solve the mystery.

We only went to the kitchen Sir.

Lady Annabel and Dr Watson having a delicious dinner.

The Twelve Days of Christmas

  Happy Spectators

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