Saturday 4 August 2018

Using adjectives correctly for summer study


In this post I'd like to show you each type of English adjective in the order it appears in a sentence.  

Here’s the list of each adjective type, in order, for you to refer back to:

Quantity, opinion/value, size, temperature, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose





1. Quantity

Adjectives describing the quantity of the noun come first. These include numbers (one, 4.5, 100) or adjectives such as many, several, few, etc.
If there’s only one of the noun you’re referring to, you can use the word a to signify a single object.
A chair

2. Opinion/Value

These adjectives communicate how the noun is viewed by yourself or others. These are subjective terms. Adjectives such as wonderful, unusual, annoying or delicious describe opinion/value.
A wonderful chair

3. Size

Adjectives describing the size of the noun are placed next. This word tells the reader or listener how big or small the noun is. A variety of words can be used to explain this including large, huge, tiny and mini.
A wonderful little chair
One exception here that you may notice is the word “big,” which often comes before an opinion/value word. For example, “the big bad wolf” is a character in the story “The Three Little Pigs.”

4. Temperature

The adjectives placed next in line give information about the temperature, if necessary. Cold, cool, freezing, warm or hot can describe temperature.
A wonderful little cold chair

5. Age

Age doesn’t have to be a number. Age can also be communicated with words that explain the time period or era the noun lived in or was created in. Adjectives used here could be new, young, antique and prehistoric.
A wonderful little cold antique chair

6. Shape

Next in line are the adjectives that describe shape. Angular, round and square are some of the words you could use to communicate the shape the noun looks like.
A wonderful little cold antique square chair

7. Color

Adjectives describing color, such as brown, blue or silver, are positioned next. This also includes hair or fur color. Words such as brunette and blonde can be used when describing the coloring of a person’s hair or an animal’s fur.
A wonderful little cold antique square red chair

8. Origin

Adjectives that describe where the noun came from tell the reader or listener about its origin. Adjectives suitable here could include American, British, Dutch, Indian or Australian.
A wonderful little cold antique square red American chair

9. Material

These adjectives simply indicate what the noun is made of. Adjectives here could be wood, metal, paper, silk or rubber.
A wonderful little cold antique square red American wood chair

10. Purpose

The last adjective before the noun describes its purpose. This explains what the noun is used for. For example, a tennis ball is used for tennis. A stirring spoon is used for stirring. A diving pool is used for diving. You get the idea.
A wonderful little cold antique square red American wood rocking chair

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